Perfectly Pl@nted

Unleashing the Power of a 'NOT TO-DO' List: A Pathway to Healthier Living

Daphne Bascom & Vesime Schroering Season 3 Episode 10

Are you constantly curating your 'TO-DO' list? What if you flipped the script and started to focus on a 'NOT TO-DO' list? This podcast episode takes you on a refreshing journey to realize the power of subtraction in achieving a healthier and vibrant lifestyle. We discuss the art of consciously saying NO to activities that don't resonate with your personal vision of wellness. We crack open the potential distractions that might pull you away from your health goals - negative self-talk, overcommitment, unhealthy comparison, and inactivity.

The discussion delves into methods to switch negative self-talk into self-empowerment, balance commitments to prioritize self-care, and replace comparisons with personal progress celebration. We emphasize the essentiality of movement for a vibrant life. The episode is all about fostering positive habits by eliminating what drains your energy, making space for what truly matters in your health journey. Join us as we unravel the power of a 'NOT TO-DO' list, and get ready to say YES to a healthier, happier you. Remember, every step you take is a step closer to your goal, and your ever-supportive wingman is by your side, cheering you on! Don't be afraid to ditch the clutter, and embrace the space for positivity and growth.

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Speaker 1:

Hey there, superhero, welcome back to another Walk With Wingman. Thank you for taking the time to join me today. No matter where you are or what you are doing, I'd like for you to send yourself. Before we dive into today's main topic, let's take a moment for a quick 30 second deep breathing exercise. So inhale deeply through your nose for count of four One, two, three, four. Now exhale slowly through your mouth for count of six One, two, three, four, five, six. Feel that tension melting away as you release the stress of the day. Inhale deeply once more One, two, three, four and exhale letting go of any worries One, two, three, four, five, six. You're doing great and I hope you feel just a little more relaxed.

Speaker 1:

Now let's dive into today's topic. You know, when it comes to living a healthy, vibrant life, it's not just about the things you should do. Sometimes it's equally important to recognize the things you should avoid. That's why today we're talking about creating a not to do list. Imagine your life as a canvas and every choice you make is a brush stroke. These choices can either paint a beautiful picture that aligns with your health and fitness goals, or they can create a little bit of a hot mess that pulls you away from your vision of who you are and who you want to be. So what goes on your not to do list? Well, it's all about saying no to things that don't say yes to you, and here are a few things you might consider adding Saying no to negative self-talk.

Speaker 1:

Replace your self-doubt with self-empowerment. Keep those inner voices that tell you you can't achieve your goals. Instead, say yes to self-belief and positivity. Say no to over committing. I know and you know, it's easy to spread yourself too thin. Saying no to excessive commitments allows you to prioritize self-care, movement and nutritious meals.

Speaker 1:

Saying no to comparison your journey is unique. Comparing yourself to others can be discouraging. Instead, say yes to focusing on your progress and celebrating your achievements, no matter how small they may seem. And finally, saying no to inactivity. Make movement a priority. I know we're all focused on the 3M's meals movement, mindset, sleep, stress and social connection but movement is so important. It's one of the best investments you can make in your health. So, as we wrap up today, remember you're not to do list is highly personal. It's about identifying what distracts you, what drains your energy, what doesn't align with your vision of a healthy, vibrant life. By consciously saying no to these things. You create space for positive habits that bring you closer to your goals. And on this journey, my friends, I want you to know that your wingman is here for you and I'm cheering you on every step of the way. You've got this, so go ahead. Create that not to do list and start saying yes to a healthier, happier you. So until next time, stay strong, stay inspired and remember I'm always here for support.