Perfectly Pl@nted

Commit, Improve, Maintain: The Formula for Growth

Daphne Bascom & Vesime Schroering Season 3 Episode 12

In Greg Harden's insightful book, "Stay Sane in an Insane World," there lies a potent mantra: "Commit, Improve, Maintain." These three words, when embraced fully, can be transformative. During this Walk with Wingman, we delve into this philosophy and explore how a three-step approach can fundamentally reshape your journey toward holistic health and personal growth.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to another Walk with Wingman. Today we're going to discuss the power of commit, improve, maintain. Please allow me to start with a quote. Commitment is the igniting spark. Improvement is an ongoing journey. Maintenance is the daily dedication to the path you've paved. In Grake Harden's insightful book Stay Sane in an Insane World, there lies a potent mantra commit, improve, maintain. These three words, when embraced fully, can be transformative. This mindset. Monday we delve into this philosophy and explore how a three-step approach can fundamentally reshape your journey towards holistic health and personal growth.

Speaker 1:

Commitment the first step towards transformation. We all know, and we've all done it time and time again, procrastination is the thief of progress. If you genuinely desire to change, the commitment to act must be immediate. Act now. Postponing decisions often results in these decisions never being made and you never taking that first step towards transformation. But it's also important to identify what you wish to change, whether it's a fitness goal, a dietary change or a mental wellness practice. Clarity is key. Research suggests that settings specific and challenging goals leads to higher performance.

Speaker 1:

Step two improvement the continuous journey. A growth mindset as proposed by Dr Carol Dweck, promotes the belief that abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. So I implore you few challenges as opportunities to grow, but don't try to change everything at once. While ambition is commendable, trying to change everything simultaneously will be overwhelming. Focus on one improvement in a time, ensuring that it becomes an ingrained habit before moving on to the next. And finally, the daily dedication consistency. Establishing a new habit or lifestyle change is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in maintaining that change. Daily Consistency, even more than intensity, is vital for long term success. But consistency doesn't mean never changing.

Speaker 1:

As you evolve, your needs and circumstances might change Regularly. Reviewing your goals ensures that they remain relevant and challenging. If needed, make adjustments, but remain consistent in your dedication to being consistent. We all know that life is unpredictable and there will always be challenges, but the power to transform and thrive lies in our hands. By committing to our goals, focusing on continuous improvement and dedicating ourselves to daily maintenance, we can craft a journey of meaningful growth. So my request of you at the end of this Walk With Wingman embrace the mantra commit, improve, maintain. These are more than just words. They provide a framework for a philosophy, for a way of life. Remember, every day offers a new opportunity to commit to a better version of yourself. Improve in multifaceted ways, and maintain the positive changes that you've ardently worked towards and improve. Maintain, be well.