Perfectly Pl@nted

Investing in Yourself - The Pathway to Achieving Your Goals

Daphne Bascom & Vesime Schroering Season 3 Episode 14

Have you ever pondered the transformative power that small beginnings and consistent actions harness in achieving your goals? Today, I'm taking you on a walk inspired by the wisdom of Robin Arzón who was a recent guest on Jenna Kutcher's Goal Digger podcast. 

On today's walk I want to take you on a journey through the realm of self-investment, exploring how great feats start with manageable steps, and the potency of saying 'no' to what doesn't serve you. Robin's insights underscore that accomplishment is not about perfection, but persistence. 

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Goal Digger Podcast:

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Speaker 1:

Greetings and welcome to another Walk with Wingman. My goal with these walks is to plant seeds of positivity and empowerment. To start empower your week. I need to thank podcasts for motivating me to run. I am running farther each week, partly because my fitness is improving, but mainly because I can listen and learn. I love to learn, and listening to podcasts on my daily run has become a great motivator.

Speaker 1:

While finishing my run this morning, I listened to Jenna Kutcher's Goldigger podcast and I was reminded of one of her Instagram posts and on this post she had, and I quote Every dream will cost you something, but remember you aren't the risk, you are the investment. This statement resonates with me deeply, especially when I tied into some of the key lessons from Jenna's podcast this morning, where she interviewed Robin Arzon. I want to dive into this concept a little bit on reveling how investing in yourself, starting small and maintaining consistency are pivotal steps toward realizing your dreams. So the journey to health and wellness is not just about physical transformation. It's an investment in your entire being. As Robin highlighted in her conversation with Jenna, investing in yourself is the first crucial step toward achieving your dreams. It's about prioritizing your health, your mental well-being and your personal growth. And remember, wellness is not just about hitting the gym or following a diet. It's about nurturing your mind, body and spirit. Invest in activities that elevate all aspects of your being, like journaling, meditation, balanced nutrition and movement that you love.

Speaker 1:

So one of the key takeaways from Jenna and Robin's conversation this morning is the power of starting small. Every great achievement begins with a single, often small step. The idea is not to overwhelm yourself with colossal goals, which we can all do, but to break them into achievable, manageable actions. Small, consistent actions built the foundation for more significant successes. One other message that resonated with me that I have shared previously is that you need to say no to things that don't feel you so that you can say yes to you and the things that are aligned with meeting your goals. The other thing that Robin emphasized during the podcast was that consistency is the golden thread that we've success stories. It's not about intense burst of activity, but about what you do regularly, day in and day out, that leads to lasting change, and you know me, I love consistency.

Speaker 1:

Establishing a daily routine that includes time for all of the three M's your meals, movement, mindset, sleep, stress and social connection. It's all essential, but you can't tackle them all at once. Over time, routines become habits and habits shape our destiny. But remember, as we all know, life is unpredictable. So don't be harsh on yourself if you miss a workout or stray from your nutrition plan. Adapt and get back on track.

Speaker 1:

Consistency is not about perfection. It's about persistence. Every effort you put into your health and wellness, no matter how small is a seed planted toward a future of fulfillment and well-being. The cost of staying stagnant far outweighs the cost of chasing your dreams. Invest in yourself, embrace the power of small beginnings and hold on to the magic that can come from consistent actions. Your journey will have ups and downs, but you craft the story of triumphant resilience with each step. So set those goals, plant the seeds, water them daily and stay steadfast on your path. You are capable and worthy and your dreams are within reach. Thanks for listening today. Here's for a week filled with purposeful actions and unwavering belief in yourself. Be well.